Sustainable Workplaces

Canary Wharf isn’t just a beautiful place to work, it’s also proactively contributing to a better planet. From acres of green spaces to a dedicated Biodiversity Action Plan, a partnership with the Eden Project and measurable actions to set out in our Net Zero Carbon Pathway, sustainability is built into our DNA.

Key Statistics

  • waste to landfill for managed areas since 2009


    waste to landfill for managed areas since 2009

  • electricity purchased from renewable sources since 2012


    electricity purchased from renewable sources since 2012

  • all timber from sustainable forests


    all timber from sustainable forests

  • CWG has won Gold in the Britain in Bloom awards for Town Centres & City Centres, organised by the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS)

    Britain in Bloom

    CWG has won Gold in the Britain in Bloom awards for Town Centres & City Centres, organised by the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS)

  • Received a 5-star rating on our 2024 GRESB Standing Investments Benchmark


    Received a 5-star rating on our 2024 GRESB Standing Investments Benchmark

Aligning with our values

Reaching carbon net zero

Why follow when you can lead? We have set ourselves an ambition to be net zero carbon, creating a place where our ambition on climate change is turned into action. In our construction and office fit-outs we use sustainable materials such as FSC certified timber and reuse materials where possible.

Young engineers inspecting solar panels and green roof

We have sent zero waste to landfill in managed areas since 2009 and we are looking closely at construction waste. We have been purchasing electricity from renewable sources for our operations since 2012.

Find out more